Saturday, November 27, 2010

Red Movie Review (2010)

There seems to be a trend lately of films with ensemble casts, full of ageing stars that want to kick ass. In the summer we got The Expendables and that was a lot of fun. Now comes along Red and it reminds us why all these older stars are just that, stars.

The film centres around ex CIA man Frank Moses (Bruce Willis), who begins a mission to find out why he and many of his close friends are being under attack. He meets some old friends who have supposedly put their espionage past behind them, but secretly long to get back in the game. Moses meets with paranoid crazy man Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich), old friend Joe Matheson (Morgan Freeman) and calm but deadly, Victoria (Helen Mirren).

Red is simply a lot of fun and it stems from a great cast and a winning sense of humour. Many action comedies that attempt slapstick, falter, because they don't commit to it. Red is sometimes over the top with its action but it has some genius laugh and some great performances. Red knows the sort of film it wants to be and that lends itself to make a damn good film. It blends the veteran cast with some very solid action sequences.

Bruce Willis plays a similar type role to his iconic John McClane role, but here he's a little less grumpy and more slick and cool. Morgan Freeman has a relatively small but welcomed role aswell, but its John Malcovich who steals the show as the crazy but loyal friend and ex spy who is constantly uncertain about his surroundings. The whole cast come together here brilliantly and they all seem to be having fun with the material.

Red is based on a comic book and that energetic vibe, is clear to be seen throughout the film with some outlandish action and special effects. Red is never a bore and it will no doubt please the older audience members and please the younger people who just want a fun action flick, that is done with style and originality.


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