Monday, November 29, 2010

The Social Network Movie Review

Facebook is one of the most popular websites on the internet today along with the likes of Twitter, YouTube and Steveinthereallife's blog (I wish :)). The characters and altercations that were behind its creation make for a very intriguing and film worthy story.

The story is set around three groups of people who all try to get a piece of the social network phenomena site that was to become Facebook. Theres Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) and Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield), Harvard graduates that have the initiative to take an idea and develop it into something quite groundbreaking. Theres also Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss (both played by Armie Hammer) who take legal action against Zuckerberg because they believe he stole their idea. Then theres Napster creator Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake) who wants to be part of the cash cow and his presence does lots of good and lots of bad.

The Social Network is by far the most hyped film of the year and there's many aspects that warrant that anticipation. The film has a very frantic and slick script that never loses its way. The film has a cast of young and talented actors who all bring enthusiasm and energy to this crazy true story. Jesse Eisenberg is in the lead role of the film essentially and he does an adequate if somewhat one note role as the guy who pushed this idea from paper to computer screen. Eisenberg plays Zuckerberg as an obsessive and tunnel vision effected person and although this is effective, it doesn't make the character a very relatable one. But the rest of the cast are much more impressive.

Soon to be the new Spiderman, Andrew Garfield has the more interesting and fleshed out role as Eisenberg's best friend. Garfield shows a more everyman and likeable side to him amongst all the greed and power play. Armie Hammer is also terrific as the Winklevoss brothers, giving two very different performances for both roles. These twins aren't as stupid as they first appear and Hammer's unique performance is a tough but well executed one. Justin Timberlake also does some adequate work here showing that he can be impressive if he's given a suitable role.

As a Facebook user myself, I found the parts where Zuckerberg had his eureka moments for website ideas to be exciting and well delivered. The legal battle scenes are also done expertly and have a flawless dark humour running through them. Eisenberg and Garfield's relationship is at the centre of the film and you as the audience member know it will end in pain but you route for it anyway. The Social Network works well because of impeccable pacing and performances. It may be overloaded with slick exchanges and overly rapid dialogue, but it's direction is always gripping.


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